
The Overall fuctioning of MAPMC is carried out by differerent departments and market offices created as the satellite fuctional blocks.The various departments in MAPMC are

Work related to financial matters is done by this branch.It includes salary payment,payment bills,preparing budget & financial statements.Taxation issues of market commitee and audit related work are handle by this department.CAO is head of the branch and he is assisted by two AO and other staff.Financial matters are always a prime concern for any oragnization as they cover all the tangible aspects. The key task of this department is to keep records of receipts and payments made by MAPMC and then prepare different financial statements. Also budget prepration is important work. The chief Accountant Officer heads the account department and Account Officer Assists him.
The most important function of this department is moinitoring the various meetings of management comittees. Communicating with various outside agencies and other activities such as purchase and administrative expenditure , printing stationary etc. are also the function of this department.
Daily cleaning is done in various markets and premises of APMC. Solid waste management is a term that is used to refer to the process of collecting and treating solid wastes. It also offers solutions for recycling items that do not belong to garbage or trash. As long as people have been living in settlements and residential areas, garbage or solid waste has been an issue. APMC is undertaking solid waste management project.
Developement and support to the software of the Assessment (Market fee,Supervision fee) in various markets is the key function of IT department. Also IT department has developed the software of water billing and service charges to assist the concern department to collect the charges. IT department has developed salary software for Mumbai APMC. IT department provides support to users for various software. IT department consolidate the market rates and arrival on daily basis and upload it on related autorities website. Various activties like display board,kiosk machine,mobile app,facebook,twitter pages are undertaken by this department. Besides this hardware and networking support is provided.
To keep record of all properties of APMC.give galas(shops) on long lease and rent,its transfer is work of this branch.also it keeps coordination with different developement authorities like CIDCO,NMMC ,collector etc.Dy.Secretary is lead and one assistant secretary and staff is there. The developement department handles matters related to allotment, lease, rent and transfer of galas, offices and all other premises of MAPMC.
There are 598 employees on the establishment of MAPMC. The Establishment department handles all matters related to manpower management and matters related to establishment.i.e.mainatanance of service records, leave, pay etc.
It undertakes & executes the various developemental works of Mumbai APMC.Also repair and maintainance of the properties of APMC is done.Supretendant Engineer is head of departmen, also Two Executive Engineers and Ten deputy engineers & assistant engineers are working in this department.MAPMC has sprwaling acres of land with all the buildings and open spaces therein as its property. The mumbai APMC has to mainatain and preserve this property .The Engineering department is formed to look after the overall maintainance of MAPMC estate .The Supretendant Engineer is head of this department.Two Executive Engineers and Ten Deputy Engineers are subordinate to him. There is one Deputy Engineer for each market.
The legal department is set up to handle to various disputes arising in MAPMC.The main function of this department is to handle the legal disputes and follow up the court cases .This department also keeps records all the legal disputes of MAPMC and cordinates with other departments about hearing dates , documents needed etc.
To seek implementation of regulatory provision of act,rules and bye laws is very important function of this related to constitution of the commitee,byelaws is also done. The market functionaries like traders,commision agent ,measurer,mathadi(hamals) have to take licence.New licences and its renewal is done after scruitinity by this department in coordination with various markets. The applicant for renewal have to submit application prescribed format and alongwith applicable forms & information.He has to apply in the month of february.and after that per day Rs.10 extra charge is applied upto 31st march.According to the provisions under Maharashtra Agricultural Produce Marketing (Developement and Regulation) Act and byelaws of the APMC all the market fuctionaries like Traders, Commission Agents, Brokers , Mapadis, Mathadis etc. working inside the market area are required to obtain licenses from MAPMC. The MAPMC monitors their activity/behaviour,for this purpose the license and regulation department was constituted Since the regulation of entire market is with this department, it can be considered as the "Heart of MAPMC". Various forms required for new licenses and renewal are uploaded on this webiste under Forms tab.
Mumbai Agricultural produce Marketing committee was constituted with the sole purpose of providing service to farmer,and to povide them a platform for selling goods and prices profitable to them for up to date commodity wise , grade-wise and date wise price information,for this purpose Market statistics departnent was set up. Collection of data relating to arrival of various commodities and their market prices from various sources and its dissimination to varous outside agencies is the main task of this department.
Market Functinaries like Traders ,Commission Agents ,Brokers , Mapadis and so on pay various charges license fee , advances , property rent for trading inside MAPMC , these charges are : Market fee , Supervision fee, tolai, levy, and service charges license fee,advances, propoerty rent,water charges etc Many times some market functionaries fail to pay these charges etc on time . in such cases the recovery department plays a very important role. U/s 57 of the act recovery certificate is obtained from the collector and execution of certificate is carried out. Also form the recovred amount payment of the farmers/seller is done.
The Vastness of the MAPMC in terms of size (Prooprty , size )and trading valume proves a great secirity concern .to meet these challenges a security department was formulated . the important fuction of the security department is to safeguard the assets of MAPMC. and also controlling vehicular and people traffic in the market.
The Activity of regulation of markets is for the benefit of buyers, sellers and end consumers of agricultural produces .However the act could be subject to violation in some cases . for keeping control on such breaches of law ,the vilgilence department plays a very crusial role